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Posts tagged “atonement

What Can One Say?

What can one say—after all that’s gone, and come before this somber autumn day?

Sweet woodsmoke curls again above the frost. Fragrant scarves unfurl from the chimney

the warm feminine scent of shelter, of touch and cherished recollections—are these

all but lost?


Please say to me what one can say—when it seems the only birds left are crows, snarling beyond

the closed windows, harsh black caws in the oaks all day, that winter talk in the darkened woods.

When just a few tough leaves of summer linger, like closed scarlet hands, like claws of frozen blood?


What can one say—when what we fear is far too much to feel, much less, to talk about. But tell me

anyway: this time of year when we know that we are older, fragile and infirm, wandering further apart;

and a colder wind starts moaning again through the naked woods of each November heart?


What can one say—when gazing straight into the mouth of the storm-darkened North

through stripped birch trees, their thin, sere limbs shaking down the last gold leaves?

And silver balalaika tunes come quivering into our midnight rooms, weeping the agonies

of arguments and war, the tender vanquished joy of human love?


—Please tell me, while we’re waiting here with opened hands, another winter stalking down

the tundra sky with fear, the grey howls of hungry wolves tearing across the humbled land;

and we can’t help but see what’s been shattered, burned and damned, what can one truly say?


Only this, but surely this with certain faith: out of the rubble, ravage, greed and death, the untold wastes:

One has risen, a Star at dawn among these fluttering candle flames, these broken reeds, redeeming what’s been

lost. His radiance is gleaming pure, above and beyond all time.

So find His beauty in His truth: a perfect Love that burns in the smoking fragments, the fleeting faces,

in all the moments that shine.

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