Photographs, poetry, Spirit/nature journaling. Please note: All Copyright laws apply. Nothing on this blog may be reproduced in any way, without written permission from the author. All are welcome to visit, enjoy, and share comments. May the Father richly bless your day!

July 10.13





Your Choice…

The unwelcome fires burning in you

are secretly fed, with fuel

—your old dry broken sticks of thought,

 innermost imaginings, cravings crackle

into words, actions


Your highest, holy will decides:

choose not to feed the fuel of thorns,

the raging fires die down.


So also, with the Godly fires:

feed them your favorite bouquets of dried flowers,

cherished folded letters, lost prayers,

forgotten words of praise, toss them all— 

they burn warm colors of mercy flames,

the strong forgiving light of Love.






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